Saturday, November 18, 2006

How are you doing today?

Thats what the lady at the counter enquires, in a high pitch, and in the most elated of tones. ' How are you doing today ? '. 'GOOD' comes the response. I then add, ' What about you ? '. The lady replies, with beaming eyes, ' I am doing good too'.

This is a ritual, a daily one. Rather something that is replicated at every counter, of every store that I go to in the US. I find it so mundane, an opening act for any business to be conducted, for any discussion to begin. Can you ever imagine speaking the truth in this act? Can I say, ' Well, my girlfriend left me yesterday, and sob, I am not feeling good today !'. And if the lady at the counter goes mushy with me, the folks at the queue behind,wont be too impressed with my sob story. 'Hey dude, say that to your therapist. In US, we have such folks specifically for the unhappy people. The lady at the counter is not meant for your sobs.'

Boo Hoo


Sangeeta said...
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Buccaneer said...

mumbai is one of the worlds 'on the face' cities..people are not rude, they are just frank and dont like to suck up !

Sangeeta said...
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Buccaneer said...

Sangeeta, Let me be frank again


:) :)

just pk said...

so let me are you doing today???? :)